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Peoples attitide

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Funny ole world we live in dont you think?

Only this morning i was at a friends workshop playing with a welder and some steel when a customer of his walks in. Work stops and a brew is got underway. So there i am talking between my mate and Mr Joe public when the conversation turns to what do i do for a living? pest control i reply, mans face drops and he then asks me is it nesercery that i do this kind of work?

excuse me i reply? somewhat bemused.

Cant you leave all gods creatures alone and let them sort there own numbers out? he throws in.

A bit stumped and taken aback i sat there not knowing what to say (F!*k Off was on my lips but as this was my mates bussines work place i bit my lip)

So i replyed politly,Whats wrong with pest control as a living i ask again

I suppose you are one of those W*@!ers on the internet that spouts about killing things for fun that my mrs has told me about? he rants

he then carrys on,if you had to deal with what my wife has to deal with on a day to day basis you would stop F*$@ing with nature, he allmost spits at me

What does your wife do? i ask


she works for the RSPCA. :clapper:

OH,says i

Well, to cut a long drawn out conversation short, it turns out the the RSPCA as well as other organisations do indeed watch sites like this one.

Doesnt shock me one bit .

so moral of story? i guess is watch what you post and say but we all know that anyway right?

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Not only the RSPCA, but the cops too.


Let's keep it real people. I've had my fair share of hassle and it's not nice.


I wrote an article a few years back where these animal rights do-gooders wanted to get me and they didn't have a thing on me, so they made it up. Be careful.

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Guest lady hunter
:censored: RSPCA are all nothung but w###ers, an if you ask me a waste of time, i had a bird traped once a few years back in the cavity of my house so i rang them and was told they couldnt do anything about it, they were quite willing to leave it there to die, but i bet you if i had told them rolf harris and a camera crew were here they would of came straight out, :angry: waste of space the lot of them!!!
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  lady hunter said:
:censored: RSPCA are all nothung but w###ers, an if you ask me a waste of time, i had a bird traped once a few years back in the cavity of my house so i rang them and was told they couldnt do anything about it, they were quite willing to leave it there to die, but i bet you if i had told them rolf harris and a camera crew were here they would of came straight out, :angry: waste of space the lot of them!!!



totally agree, me and the wife saw a chav in a souped up hatchback run over a cat (he did it on purpose) he then drove off, the cat made it to the hedge, the Rspca didn't want to know and refused to come out :angry::censored:


called the police, they sent a vet, the police paid for the emergency treatment , no one came forward so we ended up with the cat, he lived with us for a few years before gettingfatally run over (guess he wasn't very good with roads :11: )


point being they are a bunch of feckers that think they are an authority (as in police etc..) rather than a lefty charity with a political agenda :no:

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RSPCA/Hunting crule!


Pot calling the kettle black :diablo:


These are the nob who i called out to ahorse wrapped in barbed wire and they came out and asked me if i could catch it :censored:


Luckily experainced around nags so no problem but ffs...Nope NOT a fan of them :no:

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Guest JohnGalway

That shouldn't have happened to you mole catcher, awful behaviour entirely. Reckon that the RSPCA does have a place in life, have seen people keep animals in awful conditions. Those types deserve to have the book fired at them from a howitzer and would get no sympathy from me. However seen them (RSPCA workers) on tv over here and some of them do have their head firmly up where the sun doesn't shine - my opinion on what I've seen. Have delt others working in an animal shelter when I picked up a stray dog and well, I was encouraged to tresspass and destroy peoples legal property - namely snares. If RSPCA was a Ronseal product I'd have no problem with them, but life ain't perfect unfortunately.


Since emotions on subjects like this can sometimes run high I do snare, trap and shoot :thumbs-up:

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well prehaps the RSPCA would like to read this an take note, as a pest controller working within the M25 we also get the grisley task of clearing up the mess left by jumpers(onto rail tracks) and druggies needles left in public places, prehaps we should give up what we do, and let them do it instead :censored:

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i new a freind of a freind once whos wife worked for the rspca best cat catcher in the area she was,her husband kept game chickens and not for show.feckin hypercrit and once new a vet that was very animal rights but did not deny her little rescue beagles the chance to chase and kill a poor myxy rabbit or two, after all she said they are what they are,:welcomeani: to glouriouse labour run britain. :angry:

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